
Kol Ha'olam Kulo - Karati Shimkha

CompositorErik Contzius
Lírico old sacred text
EditoraErik Contzius
Gênero Clássico / Música de coral
Instrumentação coro misto, Voz
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura vocal
chave Sol (G) menor
duração 2'0"
Ano de composição 2018
N.B.: All music prices listed here at are for licenses. Once purchased, you may make as many copies of the work for yourself or your institution as you like. The license does not, however, transfer from one institution with another or one individual to another. In facing the realities of the music publishing world, this makes a lot more sense to me than charging "per copy" fees. (The musicaneo receipt will tell you otherwise by default. Just ignore that)

A setting of the words of Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav and Lamentations 3:55-56:

All the world is a very narrow bridge; the important thing is to not be afraid.
I called upon Your name, O God, out of the lowest dungeon. You heard my voice; don't hide Your ear at my sighing, at my cry.

data de postagem 30 ago 2018

Arquivo de partitura musical incluindo uma licença para um número ilimitado de apresentaçoes, limitado por um ano 10.00 USD
324.1 Kb
(5 p.)


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